Thursday, 1 November 2018

Tales From The Crypt: Pat Robertson Blames Obama For 14th Amendment

Tales From The Crypt: Pat Robertson Blames Obama For 14th Amendment

It's Halloween, so it seemed fitting for me to share a moment from the Pat Robertson Crypt of Hate and Horrors with everyone. This is a serving of fear with a side of bloody racism and hate for his most loyal viewers.

And make no mistake, he has many loyal evangelical viewers who lap this crap up like hungry demons looking for a hate feast.

"If an illegal alien runs across the border and has a baby, is that baby a citizen of the United States subject to welfare and all of the benefits that our citizens have," Robertson wondered.

OH HELLO, racist screams riding across the airwaves! "Welfare." "Illegal aliens." Come ON.

And worse YET, that's all Obama's fault because black guy something something.

And then he hails his hero Trump for doing something he hasn't done. "So Trump, by executive order, said 'No way!'," he rasped.

I think he is referring to the DREAMers whose situations are quite different, but really, his point was to reassure his "Christian" viewers that Donald J. Effing Trump is just as concerned with stoking their hate as Pat is.

Here's your silver fact-cross to ward off the evil oozing out of 700 Club's crypt. You know who runs to the United States to have their babies without doing even a lick of work while they're waiting to give birth? Russians, that's who.

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