Monday, 23 September 2019

Ben Shapiro's Ugly Employee Gets Shredded For Calling Greta Thunberg A 'Mentally Ill Child'

Michael Knowles is a dumpster fire, garbage human being. This is not news, given that he works for Ben Shapiro. But what he said tonight cements his title at the top of the steaming dung pile of human excrement collected over at Fox News.

I saw this clip and had a truly visceral reaction. My heart raced, my pulse got stronger, my face got hot. Here, on live TV, was a despicable, hateful, nasty grown man trying to denigrate and minimize the passion and dedication that a 16-year old girl has for SAVING THE ACTUAL WORLD FROM CLIMATE CHANGE.

And what was his way of insulting her? HE CALLED HER MENTALLY ILL. Not once, but numerous times. And not in a kind or empathetic way -- as a fu*king INSULT.

Greta Thunberg is a 16-year old Swedish activist who has spent years trying to educate the world on climate change. She started by protesting outside of Swedish parliament for 3 weeks, demanding that the Swedish government reduce carbon emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement.

Greta has won numerous awards and honors, including: the Svenska Dagbladet's debate article writing competition, the Children's Climate Prize, which she declined. She was named one of the world's "25 most influential teenagers of 2018" by Time Magazine. Greta was also nominated for the NOBEL PEACE PRICE by Swedish Parliament in March of 2019. In April of 2019, Time Magazine went further than her first "list" and named her one of the 100 most influential people of 2019.

Let's keep going, shall we?

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