Thursday, 3 October 2019

Kurt Volker, Impeachment, IRS Whistleblower, And Matt Whitaker - Impeachment Day 10

i'M fInE hOw aRE yOu

Here ish todaysh liszt of fast-brreakkingt newz storeeez pleqaz make it shtopppp


Well, it's certainly been a busy day here at Crooks and Liars dot com, and since we live to serve our readership, here's a handy summary of the news stories (not already on our site) that broke just since your afternoon coffee break!

1. Looks like Herr Twitler is all-powerful after all, at least when it comes to the stock market. CNBC reported that Dear Leaders tweets have a measurable effect on the bond market, particularly when he's hammering other countries, like China, on trade. I know. Shocking. J.P. Morgan has created an index to measure it and named it the "Volfefe Index." So, the real shock is that the folks at J.P. Morgan have a sense of humor.

2. We learned a little something about the Chinese spy who was caught sneaking around Mar-a-Lago from Scott Stedman:

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