Monday, 4 January 2021

Hugh Hewitt Provides Cover For GOP Sedition In Congress

Hugh Hewitt Will Never Be A Real Boy.

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He lies too much.

And by "too much" I mean, to borrow a phrase from Paul to the Thessalonians, Hewitt lies "without ceasing".

Instead, Fred Hiatt's in-house Republican testicle-cozy is doomed to forever be what he has always been --

-- A Cyborg Sent From The Future to Destroy America™.

Hewitt in the WaPo Monday:

Objecting to the electoral college vote is no constitutional crisis

Whether a U.S. representative or senator objects to the certification of the vote of the electoral college on Jan. 6 is not an indictment of their commitment to the country, the Constitution or their party. Nor is it any sign of crisis or danger that a significant number of members of both bodies are about to so vote. Every member of Congress is discharging a representative function, and some of the objectors are fulfilling that job.

Some, such as Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), have deep-seated reservations about the conduct of the election and wish to air them. Others want to remind the body of allegations they may not believe but which their constituents would like investigated.

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