Look up words like smug, arrogant, self-serving, dismissive, condescending, self-important, god-complex, and a host of other synonyms, and all should have photos of Andrew Cuomo next to them by now.
How else to describe the New York governor's transparently kindergarten teacher tone taken throughout his "briefing," during which he dismissed out of hand the allegations of sexual harassment by eleven women, backed up by 179 witnesses interviewed during the independent investigation conducted by NY's attorney general, Tish James? (I put the word "briefing" in quotation marks because it was recorded before it aired, and reporters weren't allowed inside the room to ask questions of him, as opposed to the AG and her investigators who spoke live and answered questions.)
How insulting is his supposition that we will buy his slow-talking manner, his attempts at earnestness, pleas for understanding that he's just affectionate - he kisses EVERYONE on the forehead, silly! This is just a cultural, generational difference! "Look at me and my dad, Mario! I would never make an assault survivor uncomfortable by questioning her about her own experience more than was appropriate!" And, "I was just trying to HELP some young person who'd been sexually assaulted about her experience! I thought I could comfort her because I, too have a rando family member who is a survivor of sexual assault whom I am choosing to exploit for my own political survival!"
No one is buying this bullsh*t. No. One.
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