Monday, 29 November 2021

Lara Logan Unhinged: COVID Testing Will Keep Us On Lockdown Forever

Lara Logan went on a batsh*t crazy anti-COVID, anti-vaccine rant on Fox News, claiming if we keep testing for different strains of the virus it will never go away.

There was a point in her career where Lara Logan was considered an excellent foreign correspondent for CBS News. That passed long ago.

On Winebox Pirro's Saturday program, the host feared that the Biden administration will lock us all down for the holidays and steal Christmas. (On Monday, Biden announced that lockdowns were not planned, but urged ALL Americans to get the vaccines and boosters in addition to masking up in public indoor spaces.)

The Grinch that stole Christmas, don't you know? That was supposed to happen for Thanksgiving, but their lies slammed up against reality.

Turning to Lara Logan, Pirro -- now a laughingstock thanks to SNL -- asked Logan what she thought about all of this.

"Judge, if they keep testing different strains of coronavirus we're gonna be on lockdown for the rest of our existence," Logan said.

Logan said she had cancer and her oncologist clued her into this new conspiracy.

"There are hundreds of coronaviruses inside our body. They've [Biden administration] created a problem that can never actually be solved so they can justify whatever it is they want to do," Logan fear mongered.

Lara embraced the most extreme form of MAGA, QAnon conspiracy theories, and ran with it.

She's furious that anti-vax border agents and airline pilots that are refusing to get vaccinated are losing their jobs.

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