Monday, 27 December 2021

Debbie Dingell Plays Audio Of Disgusting Death Threats By Trump Supporters

On CNN's State Of The Union, Representative Debbie Dingell shared audio proving the vile nature of Trump supporters.

Bravo to Dingell for her courage as violent Republicans continually leave disgusting voice messages, including those hoping her children die in front of her.

In a segment about the toxic nature of Congress since Trump took office, Dingell said, "Once you're in that Trump hate tunnel, it's hard to escape it."

Host Dana Bash warned the audience of the severe nature of the voice message, which included violent profanity, and then played it.

An anonymous male caller said, "I hope your family dies in front of you. I pray to God, if you got any children, they die in your face."

The hostility from Republicans on Capitol Hill as well as throughout the nation is unconscionable. Traitor Trump and his minions in the media and in Congress are getting worse and worse.

Dingell said, "We really need to worry about our democracy and find a way that you can disagree with people and do it in a civil and agreeable way."

Our democracy is in trouble with Republicans telling us right out in the open how they plan to try and steal upcoming elections if they lose the vote count.

It's Trump supporters that are dividing families based on their beliefs and that's the way Fox News and Congresscritters want it.

Here's one example of the hatred Republicans are dispensing.

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