Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Madison Cawthorn Uses 'Great Philosopher' Toby Keith To Attack Biden

Rep. Madison Cawthorn thought it was a good idea to use some Toby Keith lyrics to attack President Biden during Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Rep. Cawthorn, who is in the fight of his life to stay eligible as a Congressman in North Carolina, spoke on the House floor Wednesday.

After extolling the American military as unparalleled in the world, Cawthorn used Keith's lyrics about 9/11, written in 2002 to justify his disgraceful attack on President Biden.

"As the great philosopher Toby Keith once said, 'We put a boot in their ass, it's the American way,'" Cawthorn sniveled.

Keith partially wrote that song because of the attacks on September 11th, so how does that support the idea of America's might, when it took us twenty years to end the war?

Cawthorn attempted to lecture the entire Congress about the use of military force, but really it was just a petulant dweeb circling the drain while attacking a sitting U.S. president during a worldwide foreign policy crisis.

"Congress declares war, not Joe Biden, not some woke general!" Cawthorn yelled without regard to anything resembling facts.

The attacks on our military leaders and Biden from Republicans are so ridiculous, but that's Madison in a nutshell. A right-wing grievance performance artist auditioning for a career at Fox News.

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