Sunday, 29 May 2022

Jim Acosta: They Blame Everything But The Gun

It's not doors.
It's not a lack of good guys with a gun.
It's not a lack of teachers with guns.
It's not mental health.
It's not video games.
It's not a lack of morals.
It's not because of single mothers.

It is because we make up 4% of the world population but have over 40% of the worlds firearms. We allow citizens to buy assault rifles on their 18th birthday, unlimited ammunition, often with no background checks and zero licenses required. That is why it only happens here and no where else.

Jim Acosta absolutely dragged the right, the NRA and the GOP for their repeated deflections about WHY THIS ONLY HAPPENS HERE.

Sometimes it takes a foreign reporter to really stand up to the Republican establishment. The exchange between a British reporter and Ted Cruz was really something.

Reporter: Why only in America? Why is this American exceptionalism so awful?

Cruz (flailing): You know, I'm sorry you think American exceptionalism is awful.

Reporter: I think this aspect.

Cruz: You have your political agenda, god love you.

Reporter: I just want to understand why you don't think guns are a problem.
Reporter: Why is this just an American problem?
Reporter: It is just an American problem, sir.

Cruz stormed off.

Tucker Carlson also had the standard post mass shooting talking points over on FOX (not) News:

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