The National Republic Senatorial Committee (you know, the one run by Medicare fraudster Rick Scott) really has a doozy with this ad. I'm sure THIS will be the one that will turn Pennsylvanians against John Fetterman!
Or maybe not.
Here's the thing: This ad appeals only to the radical Republicans who turn out and vote in primaries - like the ones who nominated authoritarian whack job Doug Mastriano for governor.
So this ad will work with the hard-core Republican primary voters. You think it's going to appeal to moderate Republicans and independents? i.e. people who aren't glued to Fox TV.
I suspect this ad does nothing for Oz except provide a reason for Rick Scott to blow through more of the Republican war chest.
And I'm okay with that!
If I were Oz, I'd be trying to answer ads like this, from the Armenian Council:
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