Friday, 20 January 2023

Tucker Carlson Proclaims Richard Nixon Most Popular President Of All Time

Fox News host Tucker Carlson continued to push his deep state QAnon conspiracy theories by claiming Richard Nixon was the most popular president in American history, but the deep state conspired to kick him out of office.

Apparently, the Fox News host wants to take over the QAnon Conspiracy and Gaslighting Society all for himself.

After spending a few minutes bashing the "Deep State" and President Biden, Carlson began huffing some gas stove fumes.

"If you want to know why they don't teach history anymore, one thing you should know is the most popular president in American history was Richard Nixon," Carlson proclaimed. "Yet somehow without a single vote being cast by a single American voter, Richard Nixon was kicked out of office and replaced with the only un-elected president in American history."

"So we went from the most popular president to a president that nobody voted for," he complained.

Nixon resigned in shame before he could be impeached by all of Congress. Nixon even admitted how Watergate had destroyed him. "I deeply regret any injuries that may have been done in the course of the events that led to this decision."

But in Tucker's New World Order, none of that occurred

"Nixon got 17 million more votes than his opponent and less than two years later, he was gone and forced to resign and in his place an obedient servant of the federal agencies called Gerald Ford took over the white house," Carlson said.

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