Sunday, 2 July 2023

Fox News Hypes Chemtrails Theory: 'The Government Will Control The Weather'

The idea that the government is spreading chemicals in the sky through airplanes has been covered by conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, but the notion went mainstream on Sunday with a discussion on Fox News.

The remarks came during a segment about the Biden administration's openness to studying how to block some of the sun's radiation from reaching the Earth to combat climate change.

Climate change denier Marc Morano blasted the proposal.

"This is radical, risky, unproven, unknown effects, but they're doing it as a sort of lever over us to say now in the Biden administration, kind of like, yeah, we know this is dangerous, we don't know the effects, but darn it, people aren't buying electric cars fast enough, or they're not embracing Green New Deal policies, so we have to risk our entire planet with this insane kind of research," Morano said.

"It's basically weather modification," he added. "It's another form of what the US government has even been doing. The ABC News meteorologist bragged about the cloud seeding they're doing to increase rain or snow and storms. They will control, the government will control the weather, and you will be happy. That seems to be the new motto."

Fox News host Joey Jones indicated he believed so-called chemtrails were modifying the weather. But he said Fox News co-host Will Cain disagreed.

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