Tuesday, 2 November 2021

LeoLabs, Maxar and Astroscale will join us to talk about sustainable in-space operations at TC Sessions: Space 2021

Space is vast, but the part where humans can operate productively and sustainably, especially when it comes to for profit commercial enterprises, is actually relatively small — and increasingly crowded. We’re thrilled to have three experts at TC Sessions: Space 2021 who are leading the charge in new initiatives that seek to make in-space operations even more attainable, cost-effective and safe to help us untangle some of the ways we can handle booming business in low-Earth orbit (LEO).

LeoLabs CEO and co-founder Daniel Ceperley, Astroscale CEO and founder Nobu Okada, and Maxar’s GM of Robotics Lucy Condakchian will be at the event for a discussion of on-orbit operations, and what it’s going to take to make LEO an effective and sustainable location for commercial space companies to cooperate, especially as the number of satellites surrounding Earth is set to explode in growth over the next few years.

Ceperley’s LeoLabs has established itself as the leading private company currently tracking low Earth objects, including debris from past launches, active satellites, and more. LeoLabs is the leading provider of commercial collision warning services and real-time Space Domain Awareness (SDA) for low Earth orbit (LEO). These services are powered by LeoLabs’ worldwide network of radars and its cloud-based software system.

Okada’s Astroscale was founded specifically to solve the issues around the growing thread of space debris. The startup is working on technologies for end-of-life management of satellites, removal of existing orbital debris, and life extension programs for active satellites in order to make them useful beyond their originally-scheduled service life.

Maxar is working on in-space robotic technologies designed to service satellites and other spacecraft on orbit, including NASA’s OSAM-1 program, which will refuel and reposition an active orbital satellite, and also on SPIDER, a program that will show how robots can perform on-orbit assembly of satellites, which will make it much easier and more affordable to launch future operational spacecraft.

TC Sessions: Space 2021 takes place on December 14-15. We’ve dedicated two full days to explore and gain more understanding of the rapidly advancing technologies and opportunities in space — from in-space propulsion systems and lunar sampling to investment trends and public-private collaboration. Buy your pass today and get an insider’s look at on-orbit operations and servicing — and so much more.

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TC Sessions: Space 2021? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.

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