Sunday, 17 December 2023

Trump Continues Long Obsession With Windmills In Weird Rant

To understand former President Donald Trump's obsession with windmills is to grasp how a narcissist's mind works. They can hold a grudge like no other. Trump's hatred for windmills has lasted for years. Years. The one-term President has been laser-focused on windmills (except he didn't do anything about them while in office) ever since he learned of a plan to build 11 wind turbines off the Scottish coast that would obstruct his view.

And he will never let it go. Never.

"Let's assume you're a big believer in this. They send big fumes. And so you add it all up, and it's terrible. You can't get rid of the blades," he insisted. "They only last ten years. The energy is the most expensive energy you can do."

"They kill all our birds. If you want to see a bird cemetery, go under a windmill some time, you'll see birds like you never saw! It's a very, if you love birds, you'll start to weep," he continued. "But it's it's just the craziest thing. They ruin our planes and fields. They're killing our whales. You know, the whales are coming in. I think we had one whale come in in 50 years. This year, we had like 12."

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